


Like many people, I love Gmail. There are many reasons to. However, I do think there are some very simple ways this already great mail provider could be even better.

One of the most unique features of Gmail is the way messages are grouped into conversations. Although this idea is a very nice way to group messages for easy browsing, it lacks one major feature. There should be buttons added allowing the user to add & remove messages from conversations. This seems simple enough but would add a whole new level to e-mail organization.

Multiple account login would also be very useful.  Even if you cannot use multiple accounts in one inbox, the feature to have new mail notifications from other accounts would be extremely useful.

Finally, another idea that may not be quite as popular, paid Gmail.  Gmail does a great job of making ads very unintrusive.  However, it would be nice if there was an ad-free paid version available.  I can't even say that I would use it unless the price was very minimal, but it would be a nice added option.

Those are just some thoughts I had on this e-mail service.  Overall it is great and I will continue to use it.  I'm also looking forward to seeing how Google+, Voice, Android, Docs, and other google service will continue to improve and integrate.

Posted via email from John's Posterous

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