Politics & Thoughts

Due to many recent conversations, Facebook comments & invites I felt that I would make a post here about my thoughts and political feelings. I am not trying to tell anyone here what to think or what is right, I would just like for you to know where I'm coming from ahead of time before you decide to engage me in conversation or invite me to your Facebook causes.
I'll dive right in. This may upset some people but we are not a "Christian Nation". We are a free nation who allow people the right to practice whatever religion (or lack there of) they wish. This is what our nation was founded on and how it should remain. Christians, of all people, should study our own history and acknowledge that government controlling religion or vice versa is not something we should wish for.
Next, gay marriage. Government should not control marriage period. As Christians we should believe that marriage is a gift granted from God not from the government. If a religious organization (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc.) wishes to grant marriage to same sex couples, more power to them. The government should not have anything to do with the marriage process, only the civil union process.
Third, drugs. They should be legalized. Crime rates will fall, taxes could be lowered by funding the government through the sale of these crops & items. If you need examples of how this would work, just examine the prohibition of alcohol in the US. While I believe that drugs are not harmless to others when used inappropriately, neither is alcohol or cigarettes for that matter. Regulations must be used. This brings me to another point. I disagree with seat belt laws. While I wear one constantly while driving, I think that should a person not choose to protect themselves, they should be allowed to do so. There is no law stating that you can't hold a metal pole during a lightning storm. Same principle.
Finally, if you're going to hate on our current president, you have every right to do so. However, if you do not have some type of legit political reason to back it up, I'm just going to view the conversation as ignorance. I'm not saying that there are not legit complaints, they're just never brought up by the people starting these conversations.

(Just so you know, my political affiliation is clearly stated on my Facebook profile. Take note before messaging, inviting, commenting, etc.)

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