Well, this website's team won our first game tonight in overtime. We only had a 5 man linup so the win was a good one to get. The next game will be in 2 weeks against our rival team the Scrubs. We should turn out to be two of the top teams in the league so the game should be a good one. I'll have a schedule up before the next game, spectators are welcome.

Ok, I've finally tried linux. I've been experimenting with Xandros for a few days now and absolutely love it. If your looking to try something out outside of windows give it a shot. It's really awesome, free and comes with great free programs. The only thing I havn't really figured out yet is movie editing. Other than that I havn't found anything I can't do in it I can do in windows.

Song of the Week
Instead of a song of the week this week I'm going to work on putting a playlist up on itunes. I'll post details here when it is up.

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