Just wanted to throw up some links. I'll have the return of the Song of the Week next week so check back for that. I'm also trying to do more updates so be sure to check back often.

Everyone's seen pictures and heard figures about the tsunami. Well, this is a link to actual video footage of it taking place. I reccomend sticking to the videos on the left side if you're just wanting to see the wave because the ones on the right are a little more intense.

The above link came from a site that I visit on a daily basis. It's a news site like Slashdot but is more visitor controlled. Digg.com is worth checking out for daily news (more tech geared but definatly some other good things as well).

Xoxide will be having a huge sale this weekend, so if you're looking for some parts to spiff up your pc (or other things) check out the sale this weekend.

Alex Albrecht has some new info about the Xbox 2!

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