Hit Hard Today
Today my PC got hit hard with some virus/spyware stuff. It took a solid 2 or 3 hours getting it back in good running shape. I found out that apparently Avast isn't completely free. The trial ran out and I was protectionless without even knowing. I got hit because for some aweful reason I had used Internet Explorer instead of Firefox because I wanted to see some crappy flash or shockwave or something thing that wasn't viewable with Firefox, and then kept using IE. While looking at today's weather prediction, WHAM. Popups and freezing everywhere. Adaware wasn't working right and everything was locking up. So after doing some googling to fix the problem, I downloaded AntiVir to replace Avast. Did the job and found around 37 viruses. I then was able to use Spybot: Search & Destroy. I then went back to Adaware and deleted problems 10 at a time until they were all gone. I then ran all the programs over a couple of times to take care of anything missed. A restart and an addition of another firewall and I'm back up and running. Hopefully a little more secure than before. I was thinking about actually buying an antivirus program but I just don't know which one to go with. I have a copy of Norton but I've always hated Norton. McAfee isn't bad but I don't know if something else like Avast or another compay is superior. One thing that really helped was a recent article by Patrick Norton.

Song of the Week
Beck - Beautiful Way
Going back old school for this week. I know this is late coming but better late than never. I'll hopefully get back to being better about putting up songs of the week now that the holidays are over and things are getting back to normal.

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