Ok, I figure that some of the people reading my blog might not know what G-Mail is and since I've been posting on it a good bit, I should probably explain. G-mail is a new web based e-mail run by Google. What's so great about it?... Well, not only does G-Mail allow a great deal of space, but it also has many other awesome features. G-Mail, like no other e-mail program, allows you to group your saved messages in a conversation. It's hard to explain but if your emailing people back and forth alot to talk about the same topics, it's a great way to keep things orgainzed. G-Mail also has an awesome spam blocker among other features. G-Mail is absolutely free but right now in order to get an account you have to recieve an invite in order to join up. Some other things that make G-Mail more appealing are other programs that help G-Mail even more useable. Here are some:
Pop Goes the GMail - Will allow you to check G-Mail using a Pop3 client (outlook, thunderbird, outlook express)
G-Tray - I use this little program that lets you not have to log in to G-Mail. It runs in your system tray and tells you when you have new messages.
G-Mailto - Will open email links online with G-Mail
There are many more just search the net for them...

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