Free IPod, Movie Rentals (or other stuff), and a GMail Account!!!!
Ok, I'm not one for trying to get something for nothing, but from what I can tell this seems to be working for alot of people, and there is nothing really to loose. It sounds kind of shady at first but after looking into it you're just trying out deals from reputible companies. (I'm trying the free Blockbuster rentals, if you cancel before 2 weeks is up you don't get charged for anything and 10 days to return anything you have rented.) So what I'm asking is that if you try this out... and do it through my referal, I'll send you a GMail invite as soon as the referal goes through. Hey, free movie rentals, a gmail account, and you get to start refering 5 people in order to get your free IPod or $250 gift certificate to ITunes. Here is the link:

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