Ok, first off, sorry for not updating for a few weeks now. I've just been busy. I'll try to get back on the ball and have a new song of the week up this Tuesday. As for now... After putting up the last computer configuration, I think it's time to post something a little cheaper. So here goes...

Budget Computer System
Processor - AMD Athlon xP 2800+
Motherboard - Asus A7V8X-MX SE
RAM - 512 DDR400
Hard Drive - Western Digital 120gig 7200rpm 8mb buffer
DVD-Rewritable - Toshiba 4x
1.44 Floppy - Sony
Video Card - ATI Radion 9200SE 8x
Case - SkyHawk AL4388-SL (Silver) w/300w power supply, + 3 Blue LED Fan, see though side panel, 4x5.25, 3x3.5 (1 hidden)
Mouse - Microsoft Optical
Keyboard - Aopen KB-858
Speakers - Cyber Acoustics CA-3000 (3pc w/ sub)
Monitor - 17" Viewsonic E70 .27 1280x1024
OS - Windows XP Home w/ SP1

Total Cost after Shipping: $782.16

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