Some Useful Links!

I'm just sharing a few links that I find helpful. Let me know what you think and if you have any to share yourself. - A great site for anyone with a new PC. Simply go to the site, select the software you want to install, and get it all in one install package.
Pixlr - An online image editor. A very nice substitute for Photoshop.
Youtube Disco - Listen to your favorite music, watch videos, and discover new music.
TheSixtyOne - Another site for discovering new music.
GrooveShark - Listen to any song, any time.
Steep and Cheep - Constantly changing sales. Much like an ongoing Woot-off. Mostly outdoor items. - A fantastic online tool for keeping up with finances, bills, and ways to save money.
Evernote - Note taking that syncs no matter where you are. Can be used in your browser, with a downloaded desktop app, or apps on your smartphones (or iPod Touch). - A site to use as your browser start page. Choose 4 of your favorite sites and have them displayed as very simple & clean icons on a blank start page.

1 comment:

johnny stro said...

thank you john. just got a laptop and i will be sure to use ninite! any other must-have programs you could suggest for me? this is a first, i'm starting from scratch!