Goodbye to an old friend...

On October 26th of this year Yahoo will be shutting down Geocities. If you don't know what Geocities is you probably were not into web page creation in the 90's. Geocities has been the place I have continued to use up until now to host files. Even the banner on this site is hosted by them as I type this.
Even more important than the current file hosting is the history behind this website. If you have never seen my origional site, click here, while it lasts. This page was origionally created way back in 1996. I have not updated that site in years but enjoy the nostalgia.
I also remember the origional Geocities chat rooms. These were equivalant to today's Digg & Reddit comment sections, but with pictures & sound files.
Geocities will be missed. I am currently looking for a simple one stop free file hosting site. If anyone has anything in mind please let me know. I will be backing up files from the site for personal archiving before the shutdown.

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