Speed up your pc in 7 easy steps!

I may have posted this before but it never hurts to read or do this stuff again. Before we actually get started with the process, you'll need to download a few programs. The programs I mention here are not the only ones that will work for these jobs but they're the ones I use and like. Here are the download links: cCleaner, RegCleaner, Spybot S&D.
Before you begin try to close out of all programs you possibly can.
1. Go to your start menu, control panel, Add/Remove Programs, and uninstall any items you no longer use. I also remove previous update install files that may be listed (java for example).
2. Run cCleaner. This will remove old files (none of your documents, movies, music, etc.) that your computer no longer needs.
3. Run Spybot S&D. This will detect any spyware on your system. When it finds stuff at the end of the search, be sure to make sure everything is checked and click the "Fix Problems" button.
4. Run RegCleaner. Usually what I will do is simply go to Tools, Registry Cleanup, Do them All. Once it is finished, right click on one of the check boxes and press select all. You'll want to remove the selected items.
5. Hold down the windows button on your keyboard and press the "r" button. Type in "regedit". Press the "+" beside "HKEY_Current_User, then the one by "Control Panel". Click once on the Desktop Folder. Inside of that folder you'll see items that say "MenuShowDelay", "HungAppTimeout", and "WaitToKillAppTimeout". You want to change the values of these items to very low numbers (such as 0) by double-clicking these items. Close out of this window when finished.
6. Click Start, go to all programs, accessories, system tools, and finally "Disk Defragmenter". You'll want to run this program until it finishes, it may take some time.
7. Restart your computer and enjoy a faster machine. You want to run the downloaded software and the defragmenter every once and a while in order to maintain performance.

If you are looking for an anti-virus program, I reccomend staying away from Norton and going with Avast or AVG. They're both free and work great. I also reccomend using Firefox rather than Internet Explorer. If you do use Firefox, be sure to check out extensions such as Adblock and Fasterfox. See prior posts of mine for Firefox extensions.

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