Bob Woodward

Tonight Katie and I were lucky enough to hear Bob Woodward speak at the Radisson Hotel in Columbia. The event was to benefit Newberry College. This is the second of these events that we have attended (the first was Jim Lovell).
I really enjoyed hearing Mr. Woodward speak. Much of his speech was dealing with the current events taking place in Iraq and the current administration. It is quite interesting to learn how little our country's leader takes advice from anyone. We were also told that Bush does not second guess or analyze the results of his decisions because he feels that it would show weakness in his leadership. Bush also does not worry about what history will say about him because "we will be dead". Quite telling I think. I may type more about this later.
Mr. Woodward was also asked about the current quality of work by the media. He explained that the media today is more pushed by time and quick story releases and are no longer granted the amount of time to fully investigate and evaluate stories before they are released. He stated that this is why he currently enjoys writing books.
I wanted to make a quick post before bed about an event that I very much enjoyed attending. It was nice to see some of my former professors as well as other members of the community that I have not seen in a while. I am hopeful to attend the next Newberry College fund raiser speaker event.

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