Song of the Week
Moby - Beautiful
What a great song. But what can you expect from a new Moby cd. Lots of good music out right now so this week's choosing was a little tough. Enjoy and look forward to next weeks. Anyone got the new Beck cd yet? If so leave me some comments on it.

Looking at getting a system in my truck. The people at Circut-City told me pretty much my only option was 2 8's under the back seat in a custom box. I'm thinking that I may go with a single 10 and put it in the middle of the back seat floor behind the center console. I don't need anything earth-shaking, just something to add a good sound and some good lows to my music. I'm thinking I might see what they can do at Ultimate Audio and then make a decision from there. If you have any input of any kind leave some comments.

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