Song of the Week
Now It's Overhead - 6th Grade Roller
"Fly around the ring I fly around the ring." Nuff said really about this one. A really awesome lesser known band you should check out if you havn't heard them before. I've gotta get more time to hear stuff off of their other album, and I'm sure there will be more songs of the week from them.

Free Ipod!!!
The link just to the right of this still works. If you have 5 friends and would like a free Ipod you should check it out. Apparently I don't have but 1 friend (thanks Justin). If you sign up under my name I'll give you a shoutout here on the site as well as offer you a GMail invite or two if you ask. Hey if that's not your bag I'll even throw in $5 to the first 5 people after I get the 5 referrals. Not a bad deal considering your getting it just to try out a promotional product like Blockbuster online rentals, BMG music service, GM credit card (if you don't have a credit card this one takes 5% of your purchases and puts them towards a new GMC car or truck purchase), USA Today free for 8 weeks, Columbia House 49c DVD club, or one of the other deals so check it out.

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