Weekend Review
Wow, it's the end of a long, big, and great weekend. Saturday afternoon I left with Katie, Ramsey, and Trent for Gwinette GA. We got to my uncle Ray's house and unpacked and then headed to see R.E.M.! It was a great show as always. The band "Now it's Overhead" opened. They were pretty good but were missing something, mainly good vocals. But they were enjoyable for the first few songs. R.E.M. played a pretty good mix of old and new songs. There wern't too many popular songs with the exceptions of "The One I Love", "Bad Day", "Losing my Religion", "Nightswimming", "Imitation of Life", "What's the Frequency Kennith", "Driver 8", and "Man on the Moon". Political messages were running wild during the show. R.E.M. made sure to point that out when playing "Final Straw", "Bad Day", and "The Outsiders" (Stipe did an awesome job filling in for Q-Tip). During the encore, Stipe took some time to point out the importance for people to get out and vote. He said it is important to do no matter which side you're on. He then pointed out that he thinks that it is pretty obvious what side he is on and pointed out that he was wearing a shirt that said "Kerry". This was met with mixed cheers and boos, but overall the cheers were much louder. The show ended with a performance of "Man on the Moon". After the show, we attended the fine eating establishment known as Waffle House. Yummytacular! We then got lost and ended up somewhere close to Atlanta. Made it back to the house around 1:30 and then crashed. This morning we drove home. Tonight I went and played basketball. I played ok untill the 4th game, but I was just too exaused at that point to be any good. Now I've just finished eating supper and am about to head to bed before starting another work week tomarrow. Leave me some comments or drop me an e-mail!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This weekend was awesome! REM was one of the best if not the best concert I have ever been to. They played "Night Swimming" which is my favorite(and they rarely play it in concert!!!). Yes, Michael Stipe did promote voting which I was kinda glad of. I'm tired of people who complain about all that is wrong in the world and yet they do not vote. Michael Stipe did promote Kerry (which is cool). Yes, there was some booing by a very small # of folks. But the cheering and clapping was so much louder than the boo-ers. I had a great time with Ramsey and Trent...I laughed my rear off. It was good to see Ray, Ron, Shermin and Buster(Buster the Basset-mixed-with-something dog stayed with me the whole night). I had a blast and I would do it again in a second!