Firefox Extentions
If you don't have Firefox yet you really need to get on that. It's so much faster and more secure than Internet Explorer. Adding these extentions will make Firefox even more powerful and easier to use.
Adblock - This is a pretty sweet extention that will allow you to get rid of those annoying advertizements on websites simply by right clicking and selecting Adblock. Poof, those ads are gone!
IE View - For those links that you absolutely have to see in Internet Explorer. All you have to do is right click and press view in IE to open the page in a new IE window.
All-In-One Gestures - This extention is awesome. Instead of using the forward and back buttons you can simply right click on the page and drag to the left to go back or right to go forward. You can also use "rocker" motions by right clicking and sliding to the left click or vice versa. Once you use this it's hard to browse the net without.
Firesomething - This allows you to change the text in the title bar to whatever you want it to say.
Satusbar Clock - This puts a clock in the bottom right corner of Firefox.
BugMeNot - Amazing extention that will let you bypass signing in on many sites. If a site asks you to log in, just right click and press BugMeNot and you won't have to sign in!

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