Contest !!!
Ok, my DJing buisness seems to be picking up. I will soon be making a website to help promote myself as well as list prices and do other important DJ related stuff. One thing I need though is help deciding on a name for my little buisness. This is where the contest comes into play. If you can come up with a good name for me, and I decide to use it, you win! It's that easy. All you have to do is IM or e-mail me any ideas for a name you might have. If I decide to use something that isn't submitted I'll pick the best entry as the winner.
The winner will recieve:
1. Recognition on
2. A link placed on (to your site or anywere you want it to point)
3. A g-mail invite (if you want one)

1 comment:

John said...

You can also post contest submissions here under the comments.