An update: Yes, I know I said that I'm going to be updating more but things have been kinda crazy with my computer lately. Having some os troubles that came from adding a new hard drive and not tinkering with the bios before I formatted to fix a problem. Oh well, hopefully things will be fixed soon and I can get this blog really going.
A question to anyone who may know: Does anyone know of a good drafting program. I got ahold of autocad 2005 but it's just so darn confusing. I'm looking for something simple to use for some basic drafting projects. TIA

Important News: R.E.M. will be touring later this year. I've already gotten my pre-order info for the fan club. Just an idea but if you're an R.E.M. fan (even if not as big as me) you may want to check into a fan club membership. It's only 10 bucks and you get to preorder tickets (and get awesome seats), and get a really awesome Christmas Package ever year. You can't beat that.

Song of the Week
The Presidents of the United States of America - Kick out the Jams
This was one of the biggest songs PUSA made although it never was released as a US single. This song has been covered by many other groups including Cypress Hill and Rage Against the Machine. The PUSA version is still my favorite.

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