Song of the Week
Toby Lightman - Devils & Angels
The first time I heard this song I liked it. Toby sounds alot like Fiona Apple but with a more positive outlook. Check this song out if you havn't heard it yet on the radio. You can also check out for more music and her video.

In other music notes...
Fiona Apple's new cd will be called "Extraordinary Machine" and is due out in June or July. I know that will be one I pick up on release day.
R.E.M. is scheduled to go back on tour late this year or early next. This of course means I have to spend more money on tickets. (Yes, click on the diffrent letters.)

Coming Soon!
I may have a new website coming soon to support my start of a career as a DJ. I would like to have my equiptment and such posted there and whatnot. If you know someone who is looking for a DJ for an event and wants a reasonable price, I'm very negotiable right now untill I get a few gigs under my belt.

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